The Top Seven Online Casino Trends in 2021

  1. Cryptocurrency Domination

With more and more online platforms accepting cryptocurrencies, this technology has been largely predicted to become the dominant form of online transaction, including and especially in online gambling, in the near future.

  1. Online Female Gamblers

Past years have seen a incredible rise in the number, and success, of online female gamblers, and this is said to only increase. This has also apparently caused a shift in the general marketing strategy of online casino game developers, who in the past, generally aimed the games solely towards men.

  1. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has been sweeping the world in recent times, fast becoming a possible next revolutionary step in online, entertainment, and media technology. For online casinos the aim is to soon have spectacular, sprawling, virtual casinos open to the public, offering everything a land-based live casino offers, and even more. For instance, exotic fantasy themes and virtual casino locations that previously we could only dream about.

  1. Changing Consumer Needs

The phenomenal success of online gambling has not been simple and straight, but rather a constant evolution and flux of competing markets and technologies upon which online gambling, and the online platform, has emerged a winner.

Technology, and the world, however, is still changing, and so is the consumer market in regard to online gambling, but it seems, not in an unwelcome way. With the introduction of free-to-play casino games at most online casinos, which has steadily boomed in popularity, the industry has managed to establish an alternative form of revenue, not with gambling, but via in-app-purchases and merchandising.

  1. Live Dealers

An interesting development in online gambling has been the rise in popularity of live dealer casino games. Many online gamblers seem to prefer interaction with a real person as a dealer, rather than something created through computer software. Also, with the classic casino style background and setup of live dealer games, it is a merging of the old and the new, and to great, and popular, effect.

  1. Decline in Live Casinos

It is a part of life, and also business and industry, that great eras will pass, and it may very well be the case for conventional land-based “live” casinos. Although people still seem to love the glitz and glamour, the awe-inspiring spectacles of events, the noise of the machines and bustling crowds, and the colossal sprawling casinos themselves, the advent of online casinos and alternative forms of gambling has led to noticeable decline in attendance.

They’re not done yet though, and are exploring every angle, strategy, and course of action possible to try and curb the downward trend.

  1. Rise of Smartwatches

Smartwatches, though slow on the off take since they were first introduced in the early 2000s, are now making mobile technology even more convenient by becoming possibly the most mobile, practical, and accessible smart device yet!

In past years the sales of smart watches have rocketed, and so it was inevitable that they’d be included as an online casino gambling smart device that allows you to connect to online casinos and play games just like any other.